By: Rebekah Hargraves

Photo Courtesy Of: Diana Simumpande
"The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect." ~James 5:16b
Charles Stanley once said, "We must remember that the shortest distance between our problems and their solutions is the distance between our knees and the floor."
It's true! The solution to your problems does not ultimately depend on you.
It’s not about washing your face, girl.
The answer is not found in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.
The solution to your problems is not found in you taking control of your life and making your dreams come true.
The answer is not you being enough on your own.
The key is not you being all things to all people.
The fix is not for you to be a Jr. Holy Spirit or to have a Messiah complex.
The ultimate solution to life’s problems is not ultimately found in self.
It’s not ultimately found in trying harder, meeting goals, or saving the day.
The true solution to life’s problems is found in the Savior and His work in our lives. The prayer of the righteous is what makes a difference - our God moves and works through the prayers of His people.
That is where change lies - in humbling ourselves before God and admitting we don’t have it all together, never will, and need Him.
That, friends, is the power of prayer.
And that is precisely what we need to all remember right in times like these.
Reflection Questions:
1. What troubles are you facing right now? Who or what have you been relying on as a solution to them?
2. How would you rate the condition of your prayer life lately? What is hindering you from being in prayer more than you are?
3. How can you make time to dedicate more time, attention, and energy to prayer?
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