Thursday, June 9, 2022

Pursuing Hidden Joy


By: Donna Bucher

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:4-5



Aimless; the best descriptor for my search for Joy, still feels inadequate. Lost, wandering, stumbling; all culminating in a weariness similar to a long night wrestling with sleep. Repenting my decision of choosing more Joy, simply added to my already weary mindset.


Yet, much like passing the halfway point on a long trip, coming this far with so much promise ahead vanquished all thoughts of surrender. Choosing instead, the refreshment of the milestones so far, I pressed on. Relishing the treasures of past Joy experiences, pushed me to trusting when joy seems hidden.


When everything swirled in chaos around me, when circumstances shifted, God was always present. I only needed to look to the “North Star” to find my way home to joy.

 As the North Star remains immovable in the night sky, so His Presence never shifts, nor the joy nestled there.


As God gently walked with me, His overwhelming kindness enabled me to recover my spiritual sight. Rescuing me from the lies derailing me, He reminded me His Presence was with me always, even in trials.


Though Joy seems hidden in suffering, hardship purges the dross of selfish desires, pruning each dead, fruitless branch. Allowing my joy to grow more like His. Ultimately, it is not my searching for joy, but God’s joy pursuing me. The very message at the heart of the Gospel.


Trusting God when joy seems hidden taught me many things. Perhaps the most essential lesson imprinted upon my heart while walking through the hard places, abides in trusting God’s Presence in the absence of joy.

God promises He goes before me and will never leave me; I have His Presence always. (Deuteronomy 31:6)


Coveting joy as evidence of His Presence cheapens the true essence of godly joy.


For all joy flows from Him. If I abide in Him and He in me, (John 15:4-5), I am His, and He is mine; His joy is my joy. No effort at maintaining or holding onto joy results in the settled, contentment of the joy found in simply resting in the knowledge of His abiding Presence.

Does JOY feel hidden from you today?

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