By: Jenifer Metzger
Have you ever read a passage in the Bible and thought, "I already read that, now what? Why should I read this again?" We read through the Bible, but we are never done reading. The Bible is the living Word, alive and powerful.
I have read through the Bible quite a few times, and every time I read, I find something new and different. It hits differently in different seasons of life and through different circumstances we face.
Each time we read the Bible, we learn more about God. The words on each page are God's own breath. His inspired words. So every time we read, we are learning more about Him and growing closer to Him. When we learn more about Him and His heart, we are changed. Our eyes are opened to what we need to do to live a holy life, pleasing to Him and bringing glory to His name.
Through reading His Word, our sin, pride, and selfishness is revealed. We read how to cleanse ourselves from unrighteousness and how to repent and turn to Him. We learn how to lay down anything action or thought that is not pleasing to Him. Reading the Bible shows us how to face situations life throws our way. We learn how to persevere and press on with the race before us.
You may have read a chapter in the Bible last year and it was beautiful and inspiring, but it didn't resonate with your season. You read that same verse this year, and being in a new season of life, it ministers to you in a deep and passionate way.
Here are a few things to try as you read through the Bible, again.
Try reading a different Bible translation. I like to switch every year or two between New King James Version (NKJV), Christian Standard Bible (CSB), New Living Translation (NLT), and English Standard Version (ESV). Sometimes a new translation will bring new enlightenment.
Try cross referencing. You know those little marks and footnotes in your Bibles that show other verses, those are actually there for a reason! They cross reference to other verses that will help to tie verses into each other and bring a better understanding.
Use a study Bible. I love a good study Bible! The study notes, often found at the bottom of the page, bring understanding. They share information that helps you to understand timelines, customs of that time, and much more.
Switch up your scenery. Often a chance of scenery helps us to focus. If you typically read your Bible in bed, trying switching it up and reading on the porch or the kitchen table.
Most important, pray. Pray before you read the Word and ask God to show you want He wants you to see in those passages. Pray that your eyes and heart would be open to hear Him. After you read, pray again, asking God to help you understand what you read and to know how to apply it to your life.
Remember, reading the Bible isn't a one and done deal. We continue to read the Word. We continue to learn and grow closer to our heavenly Father. We will never learn all there is to know about God and the Bible so we keep pressing in and reading.

You have offered all good suggestions to keep our Bible reading fresh. I also change Bible translations every few years, finding it keeps my reading fresh. I change between the NLT, NIV, NASB and NKJV the most.
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