About ten years ago I felt something was missing in my life. I had an amazing husband, four beautiful children, a lovely home, a wonderful extended family, an incredible church that we were not only very active in but also serving as children's pastors, yet something was missing. After months of feeling empty, God revealed to me that my relationship with Him had been reduced to that of a "Sunday morning Christian." I had let myself get too busy to spend time with God. My Bible became nothing more than an ornament on my shelf and my prayer life had been nothing more than a quick meal time prayer asking God to bless my food. What was missing in my life was a relationship with my Father.
I knew that it was time to get back to having a quiet time with God, but as a busy homeschool mom of four, a homemaker, a wife, and a children's pastor, I just didn't see how I could possibly give God any time. My days were non stop from the time I woke up, already super early, until the time I fell asleep at night. Yet I knew if I wanted this empty feeling to go away, I had to do something. That's when I decided to give God one minute a day.
I know I am not alone. Women all over the world, from all different seasons of life and walks of life feel they are just too busy to spend time with God. We manage homes, raise children, work jobs, and run ministries, things that take up our entire waking hours. We wake up in the morning already tired and fall asleep at night exhausted to the max. How can we possibly give God any time!?
Friend, give Him one minute.
Yes, just one minute. Ten years ago I started giving God one minute of my day by reading one verse. Just one. One verse a day. Then I prayed thanking God for my day. It literally took a minute. Pretty soon the empty feeling began to fade as God filled that gap in my spirit. One minute turned into two. Two turned into five. Five turned into fifteen. Ten years later, some days my time with God is forty-five minutes all at one time, yet some days it is one minute in the morning and one minute before bed.
God isn't sitting in heaven counting the minutes or hours we spend with Him. He just longs to be with us. He longs to share in your day with you. He wants you. Hear that friends: He wants you. Maybe sixty seconds is literally all you can do, do it. Maybe you can give Him a minute several times throughout your day, pause for sixty seconds to read a verse and breathe a short prayer. Whatever it may be, give it to God.
One thing that helped me start spending those minutes with God was a short devotional. Something with a verse already picked out for me and a short encouragement to match. The reading took only a minute yet the minute lifted my spirit and helped prepare me for my day.
The One Minute with God Devotional & Journal Set from Dayspring is a beautiful set that offers exactly what it says, one minute with God. A minute to focus on His Word and His goodness.
One Minute with God Devotional is a beautiful year long daily devotional to help you have that time with God each day. It invites you into a place to be with God and hear Him. While the devotional may be dated, there's no reason to wait until January 1, you can dive in right now!
One Minute with God Journal is a beautiful journal to match the devotional. With the same verse as the devotional for the day, it offers lined pages to journal out your thoughts on the Scripture and devotion for the day or to write out your prayers.
What I love about the One Minute with God Devotional & Journal Set is that you can do the pair together or, my favorite way, read the devotional in the morning and meditate on the verse throughout the day, then at night, do the journal. What a beautiful way to bookend your day in God's presence!
The One Minute with God Devotional & Journal Set is a beautiful set for every woman in all different seasons of life, from all different backgrounds, and from all different walks. Women everywhere will be encouraged and inspired as they spend moments with God and experience Him.
Dayspring has graciously given us a One Minute with God Devotional & Journal Set to bless a reader with. To enter to win, complete each task in the rafflecopter below. Don't want to wait? Ready to get your set now or maybe purchase a set as a gift for someone? Click HERE!

Oh how I struggle with this as well! It’s been over a year since I’ve had any real quiet time with the Lord and I know that’s why my life has had so many ups and mostly downs lately. This book looks like just what I need!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I finish a devotional, it takes me such a long time to find one I can actually do. So many of them require much reading that I don't have time for. I love the idea of this devotional and know that it would certainly be a WONDERFUL addition to my day!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a daily devotional emailed to me every morning, so it makes it a little easier for me to stay on track. Sometimes when I am really busy, I still struggle to find time to read my Bible. I would love to win this! It would really help a lot to have a physical devo and journal to follow along with rather than my usual email.
ReplyDeleteI need to get back to spending time with the Lord. I quit my morning devotions when my hubby passed away suddenly. I have slowly gotten back to it.
ReplyDeleteOh Jan! I’m so very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteYes, Yes, A real struggle, I lose my focus. Can't seem to set a side time to mediate on the Scriptures, the phone rings, the door bell rings, and then my thoughts say I'll do it tomorrow , I'll re-focus and get it right tomorrow .Love the all in one page devotion . t.
ReplyDeleteI struggle to consistently study in God's Word.
ReplyDeleteConsistently coming before the Lord each morning is a goal of mine that I want to become a habit. I long to spend at least 20 minutes in the early morning by myself with the Lord.