Friday, November 17, 2017

Seasons of Change

by Victoria Duerstock

Last week I shared how quickly I felt time was going and how I was amazed that my daughter had turned 20.  This week I'd like to offer some encouragement for those who find themselves in the middle of a difficult season because last week also marked for us a beginning of a new season just nine years ago.

Nine years ago we uprooted our family and moved to a new town in a new state with no family close by. This move culminated a few years of very difficult times for our family.  The Lord shut the door on a job in a city that we loved and had planted our roots deep from college on. Gradually only one door was opened to us and we walked through in obedience even though it was incredibly difficult and sad.

I look back now and smile. Much need growth occurred during that difficult season and while I would never wish a valley experience on anyone or myself for that matter, I can say that it was good. God meant each step for good, and while difficult He walked the hard path not only with me but my husband and my children as well.

But now, this is what the Lord says, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.'” (Isaiah 43:1-2)

I pray that whatever circumstance you find yourself in

  • difficult marriage
  • troubled children
  • caring for aging parents
  • financial desperation
  • job loss

that you will know that with God as your Savior you can take the next step and find renewal as the Lord leads your steps.

Rest in His unchanging word and the promises you find therein.  God is good, and does good and works all things together for our good.

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