"6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will not be shaken."
Psalm 62:6 NLT
Every time we turn on the news it seems that it's always bad news. Every where we turn it seems as though people are being drawn this way and that. We are called on to be for this or that. People are protesting for just about any reason and for no reason. It seems as if this old world is determined to break us down.
There's an old saying, 'Stand for something or you'll fall for everything.' There is a certain truth to that statement. These days it seems as if our 'beliefs' change with every blow of the wind. We really need to examine ourselves and make a decision as to what we do believe and what we don't. And it's time for us to take a stand FOR those things in which we do believe. Even when the world is against us, we need to STAND. Psalm 62:6 tells us that we're not alone. Psalm 61:3 NLT says, "3 You have been my protection, like a strong tower against my enemies." When we take that stand we can rest assured that God is there and He will stand with us. He is our strength.
When we make the decision to stand for the Lord there is no doubt that the world will come against us. But it matters not because God is our fortress. He is our protection and in Him we can rest. There is no need for us to be tossed to and fro because our Rock, our Salvation, our Fortress is with us. We won't be shaken!
Have a blessed day as you stand strong!

He is our strength! Amen!