"3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised."
Psalm 113:3 KJV
This verse has been on my heart all week. No matter what I'm doing, I hear the Lord say, "Praise Me." We need to praise Him coming and going. Praise Him when we are happy. Praise Him when we are sad. Praise Him no matter the circumstance.
You will find that when you are sad or unhappy, praising God will lift you out of those doldrums. No, praising God doesn't change the circumstance or situation; but it can change YOU. Praising your Creator at all times can bring you joy...even though your world may be crashing down around you.
Today I challenge you to put on some praise or worship music and just let it infiltrate your spirit. It will lift you out of yourself and glorify God!
Have a wonderful day!

Thank your for this post. I pinned it so I can refer to it often. You are right that listening to praise music can lift you up when you're down. I just need to remember to do it.