Romans 12:17 NLT
pay back evil with more evil. Do things
in such a
way that everyone can see you are honorable."
7:12 NLT
"Do to
others whatever you would like them to do to you..."
We live in a world where everyone thinks that it's ok to treat everyone else like trash. Well, it's not least not according to the Word of God! These 2 verses are just 2 of many that tell us to treat others the way we want to be treated!
Huh...that means if you want to be yelled at and belittled, by all means, treat other people that way. BUT...if you don't want to be yelled at or belittled, DON'T treat others like that.
Those verses tell us that it doesn't matter how someone else treats us...we are to treat them in such a way that we would be seen as honorable! I've found that when someone treats me in a manner that's less than kind, if I turn it around and show them kindness, they don't know what to do.
I've also found that if I show kindness to the one that is mean and hurtful for long enough, they will begin to be less mean or hurtful towards me. Notice that we aren't told to just do what we want done to us once...there is no limit. Someone may be bullying you over an extended period of time. Keep on treating them with kindness and love, offering them forgiveness over and over. It may take years, but eventually that person will begin to be less of a bully!
It's always hard to swim upstream when the water flows against us but that's what we are called to do as Christians. It's high time that Christians started doing what they are called to do and stop acting like the world. We are supposed to be different. The world should see by the way we love and live that we are Christians!
If you have a particular 'bully' in your life, I challenge you to begin to treat them like you want to be treated. Show them kindness, love, respect. And don't stop just because they keep on being a bully...just keep on loving them. God will honor YOU as you follow after Him!
Have a blessed day!

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