Thursday, January 21, 2016


by Debi Baker

"10 Be still, and know that I am God!"
Psalm 46:10

Today, I am trusting this verse. My daddy is going to have a biopsy...again...on the bladder. The doctor found a curious spot at his last appointment so that means another biopsy. Thus far they have kept the cancer at bay (ie:  it's not in the lining of the bladder) and I know it is by the grace of God. However, I KNOW that I know that I know that God is able to take every cancer cell out of his body forever!!! So, I am trying to be still...I know God is God and I need to just let Him be who He is!!!  It's in His time and His way not mine!

If you have a moment, please say a quick prayer for my daddy and the doctor today!

God bless,

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