Here are some ways to make your home a peaceful haven for your husband:
- Candles. I personally love candles and have them lit all the time. But I also light them for my husband. Candles create a sense of tranquility, even for men. Each evening about an hour before your husband is due home light a candle. I light three candles, one in the kitchen, one in the dining room and one in the living room. They let off a lovely fragrance and create a calm feeling.
- A clean home. My house is not always perfectly spotless. Not at all. I promise you that. It is very much "lived in." But I notice a huge difference mine and my family's moods when the house is clean versus when it is a mess. If the house is messy, the house feels chaotic, then we feel chaotic. If the house is picked up, there is more a sense of peace among us. Work to keep your house clean. I didn't say perfect, just picked up.
- Comforting food. Think of the old saying "a way to a man's heart is through his stomach." In a way that is true. My husband loves to come into the kitchen and find a treat. Even when I don't have time to make a homemade treat for him, I make sure there is something in the house he likes. When you go grocery shopping pick meals and treats that your husband likes.
- Welcome home. When my husband gets home from work the kids and I always greet him. We go to the door and welcome him home. We do this in a calm way, not bombarding him as he walks in the door. While your husband wants to know he is welcome home, he also doesn't want to be hit with all of the problems of the day. Welcome him, calmly and quietly.
- Quiet time. After you husband is greeted, let him have a few moments of quiet before easing his way into the home and routine. It may be a shower to freshen up, possibly watching a few minutes of tv, or maybe catching up on some emails. And it may be time alone or he may want your company. My husband immediately heads to the shower, but he likes for me to be in the room with him so we can chat without interruption.
- Laughter is the best medicine. The more we laugh and have fun, the more peace there is in our home. What man, what person, wants to walk into the front door to yelling and fighting!? We need to laugh together, as a family and laugh as a couple. When you husband is due home, sit the kids down for some quiet fun. Something that will bring joy to them, in turn, bringing joy to him as he comes home.
- Pray. When I pray for peace in my home, God honors it. I can remember days where tempers were running wild and anger flared. But as soon as I got alone with God and prayed for peace, you could feel the tension melt away. Pray that God would bring peace to your home.

Fantastic ideas!!!