Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tasty Tuesday - PIZZA!

Tomorrow is the LAST day to order your Living Out Titus 2 tee!  To order now, click HERE.

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My kids love pizza and especially love to make their own pizza!  Designing what they want is a favorite!  Here are a couple of ideas to making your own pizza at home.

English Muffin Pizzas

1 bag English muffins
1 can pizza sauce
mozzarella cheese 
other favorite pizza toppings

Preheat oven to 350*.  Split English muffins.  Cover in pizza sauce, cheese and add favorite toppings.  Bake until cheese is completely melted.

Not my picture, found on pinterest
Pizza Pockets

1 can crescents roll
string cheese cut in half
*optional pizza sauce or marinara sauce for dipping

Preheat oven to 350*.  Split canned crescents leaving each piece a triangle.  Place a couple of slices of pepperoni onto triangle then add half stick of string cheese.  Roll up crescent.  Bake as directed on crescent roll can.  Dip in pizza sauce or marinara sauce.

These make delicious lunches for the kids and are also great for game times!  Enjoy!

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