Note: The frozen strawberries will need a fair amount of time to thaw in a strainer/bowl because you will need to save the juice so please plan accordingly.
For this recipe you will need:
White cake mix (and everything that you will need to make the cake, the ingredients are on the back of the box..aka eggs, oil, water)
Whip Cream or Cool Whip - your preference
Frozen Strawberries
strawberry soda or juice and the juice from the frozen strawberries
9x13 pan
To make:
Make the cake according to the directions on the back of the box..while the cake is baking in the oven you will begin making the topping.
Topping: Empty the whipped cream into a large bowl - the entire container of cream. Fold the frozen strawberries into the whipped cream, this will end up being very "chunky" with all the strawberries. Put it in the fridge until you need it.
When the cake comes out of the oven it will need to cool completley then with a fork poke holes *not all the way to the bottom but mostly through the cake, then spread the hole's with the fork and with a spoon pour a small amount of strawberry juice into the hole's. Do this throughout the whole cake in random places. The juice will soak into the cake! Once you've done this then spread the whipped cream/strawberry mixture over the top of the cake and enjoy!
We make this for birthday's, bbq's, and any other occasion you can think of and sometimes we make it just for fun!

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