Our Thankful Thursdays for 2012 are being spent counting our blessings. Please join me as I make the conscious effort to see and acknowledge the blessings God has given me. Making the conscious effort to mark my blessings has been a great journey for me. It helps keep my focus on God.
Today I am thankful for...
306. ... dinner with friends.
307. ... love and support of family and friends.
308. ... success in a family garage sale!
309. ... planning vacation.
310. ... the countdown to vacation.
311. ... the excitement on the faces of my children and grandchildren as we anticipate our first family vacation in 12 years!
312. ... the freedom to help out when my children need me.
313. ... friends and family that see me at my core and know there is not an ulterior motive in my being.
314. ... God's voice and how He speaks to me in and through His Word.
315. ... air conditioning!!
Well that's my list for this week. What are YOU thankful for? What blessings has God bestowed on you or your family?
Have a great day!
Debi, it's a beautiful list of thanks to the Lord, made me smile :) Our air was out in our upstairs yesterday... where we all sleep, I'm so grateful that it's back on today!