Be sure to check out Mandy's Famiy Friday post. She is beginning a new study on Resolution from Women -the book from the movie Courageous. And she has a wonderful giveaway to go along with it! Click HERE.
Today we continue our Love Dare journey with Love Dare/week 16.
Today we continue our Love Dare journey with Love Dare/week 16.
Behold I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 2
Far too many couples start out their relationship with one person intending to change the other. We think they are not good enough or strong enough in an area so we enter the relationship with plans to change that. Plans to make them exactly like we want. The truth is that we cannot change someone. We cannot play God and reach down and change their heart just because we want to. Your mate is not your lump of play dough. But there is one thing you can do. You can become a "wise farmer."
You are to get the weeds out of your marriage. You are to nurture the soil of your mate's heart and then depend on God for the results. But, sweet sister, there is no way you can do this on your own. You cannot accomplish this special kind of farming alone. You will need something that is more powerful than anything else you have. And that is effective prayer.
Do you feel like giving up on your husband? Like quitting your marriage? Jesus said to pray instead of quitting (Luke 18:1). Prayer can bring peace to storms (Philippians 4:6-7). Do you need a breakthrough? Prayer can make the difference (Acts 12:1-17).
True love intercedes for their mate. True love lifts their husband up in prayer on a daily basis. But suffice it to say that prayer works best when coming from a humble heart that is in a right relationship with God and others. One of the most loing things you can ever do for your spouse is to pray for them.

Ladies, I also want to bring to attention that praying for your husband is not like some genie in a bottle. It's not three wishes that will magically be granted. And what I mean by this is, just because you want your husband to bring you roses and sweep you off your feet for a romantic date night once a week doesn't mean that is what you should pray. Just because you want your husband to take his health as serious as you do and start working out daily and getting rid of the gut to be replaced with strong abs, doesn't mean that is how you should pray. True love doesn't pray that their own selfish desires are granted. True love prays that God will bless and anoint their husband. True love prays that God will protect and lift up their mate. True love prays that God will help you to be the kind of wife God has called you to be. True love prays as Jesus would pray.
Today's Dare:
Begin praying today for your spouse's heart. Pray for three specific areas where you desire for God to work in your husband's life and in your marriage.Sweet Blessings~

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