Friday, June 24, 2011

Family Fun

So as I'm writing this I'm thinking about Friday evening and wondering to myself what we will do, the weather has been beautiful and I don't really want to stay in the house all evening. My kids are 2 and 3 years old but that doesn't mean they are too young for family fun night. My husband and I try to make Friday evenings our "Family Evenings". Neither of us have Church on Fridays, we never go on dates, well hardly ever, so we put our heads together and thought of stuff we could do as a family. Here's some ideas that you're more than welcome to steal if you wish. If you don't have a Family Fun night I highly recommend it. I look forward to Friday evenings all week where I know my husband will pay attention to us and we don't have to go anywhere and the chores can wait until Saturdays.

1) Pizza and Movie night ~ We make Fridays special when if it's not a payday we will make homemade pizza and spread a blanket in the living room floor and pop in a disney movie to watch and camp out on the floor. The kids love it and it's obviously a cheap easy way to stir things up a bit after a busy week. If your free night isn't on a Friday then pick whichever night works best for you.

2) Taking a walk Friday evenings after dinner ~ If it's nice outside after dinner we love going for walks in the evenings. There's a huge field across the street from our house that the kids love to run in and it's a great way to release some energy before bed.

3) Family Camp-Outs ~ My sweet sister Jenifer has shared with me several times that she lets her kids camp-out on Fridays. Saturdays are the only mornings she and her family can sleep in so they let the kids camp out in the living room watching movies until they crash on the floor for the night. I love that and as soon as my kids are old enough we'll be stealing this idea (smiles)

4) If you're blessed to have a babysitter then go on a date with your spouse. I love going out with my husband. It happens maybe ever 6 months but we always have fun and it's great getting away from the kids every once in a while ~ even kids get tired of their parents once in a while.

5) Go on a date with one of your children ~ Even as you love spending alone time with your husband, your children love having alone time with you as well. I will be doing a post about this in the near future but it can be as simple as designating your husband to watching one child while you surprise another child with some alone time and maybe a sweet treat.

I think on this Friday we will make Pizza and go for a walk, hopefully the weather stays nice! What do you and your family do on Fridays? Do you have a designated day to spend time together as a family and do something special?


  1. Great ideas for a family fun night. :)

  2. Great ideas. Friday night campout has been so important to us for a long time. Dinner, snacks, movies and campout together. So much fun and memories my kids will have forever. I am thankful for an air mattress as the floor is a little too hard for me these days. lol.

    I love the idea of going on walks after dinner. I've done it alone before but why not make it a family thing!?

    BTW, we started campout when Lylea was only 1yr, so go ahead and start girl! ;)


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